BodyTalk for Animals Classes
Course Overview: This course provides a comprehensive introduction to BodyTalk for Animals for use in clinical settings with animals as the client, as well as sessions with your own animals, using the techniques and concepts learned in BodyTalk Fundamentals and BodyTalk Principles of Consciousness. This class is also designed for BodyTalk Practitioners looking to expand their understanding of principles of consciousness, group consciousness, and balancing group dynamics. Before taking the BodyTalk for Animals course, individuals must first complete the BodyTalk Fundamentals Course (Modules 1 and 2) as well as Principles of Consciousness. (Please visit the International BodyTalk Association website for more information and list of offerings of these prerequisite courses if you have not yet taken them.)
Course Description:
The course consists of theoretical aspects as well as hands on practical application of the BodyTalk Fundamentals and Principles of Consciousness techniques as well as an exploration of Animal Consciousness and how it intertwines with Human Consciousness. The course content focuses on dogs and cats, though all techniques and theories can be easily applied towards work with any animal you are experienced in handling. This seminar is a must for those interested in utilizing BodyTalk with animals at a professional level or even with your own animals at home. If you are not interested in incorporating animals into your practice, BodyTalk for Animals will still contribute significantly to your understanding and skill in working with consciousness, family/group dynamics and enhancing your ability to sense and communicate subtle shifts in your human clients.
Course Outline:
- Basic Principles of Working with Animals
- Working with the Animal’s Matrix and Balancing Group Dynamics
- Unique Expression of Animal’s Innate Wisdom
- Natural Consciousness of all Animals
- Natural Consciousness of Individual Species and Breeds
- Group Consciousness as Experienced by Animals
- Balancing Relationships
- Connecting with and Learning from Animals through Consciousness
- Boundaries of the Practitioner
- Selecting and Working with Surrogates
- Safe Handling Practices
- Developing Animal Observation Skills
- The Unique Responses of Animals to BodyTalk Sessions
- Conducting “Short Distance” and Remote Sessions
- Practical Application of BodyTalk Fundamentals with Animals
- Practical Application of Princples of Consciousness (Mod 3) with Animals
- Professional Approach to Working with Animals and Owners
- Conducting Intakes and Follow Up’s in a Professional Animal Practice
- Liability Considerations and Practices when working Professionally with Animals
- Building and Promoting Professional BodyTalk Practice with Animals
- Animal Demo Session
- One Full day of Practical with Animal Clients
- Debrief, Feedback, and Q&A from Practicals
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course the participant will:
- Develop a deeper understanding of how BodyTalk Fundamentals and Principles of Consciousness are used when working with animals.
- Develop confidence and skills in using the BodyTalk System professionally with animal clients.
- Develop a deeper and more complex understanding of the experience and consciousness of animals and how that impacts their health and healing process.
- Understand the significance and steps for creating a safe space for animals, owners and practitioners when conducting BodyTalk sessions with animals.
- Develop observational skills of animals’ subtle cues and signs of shifts and processing.
- Better understand how to balance, respect and communicate with the entire matrix, or group dynamic of the animal client; and more broadly, how to balance relationships and group dynamics.
- Perform short distance and remote sessions for any species of animal, via the use of a surrogate.
- Develop necessary professional skills to promote an animal BodyTalk practice, conduct intakes, explain sessions, and follow up with human clients.
- Develop skills in working with challenging human and/or animal clients.
- Apply all of the BodyTalk for Animals principles learned, at home as a lay-person, or in a professional setting such as a BodyTalk clinic, zoo, sanctuary, farms, stables, kennels, veterinary clinic, etc.
This course is suitable for the following candidates: (a) animal professionals looking to integrate BodyTalk into their work, (b) BodyTalk Practitioners looking to incorporate animals into their professional clinics, (c) those with animals looking to develop their skills in working with their pets at home, and (d) BodyTalk Practitioners looking to enhance their understanding of group consciousness and how to balance group dynamics.
Technology Required:
Computer with Zoom capability, microphone and camera
BodyTalk Fundamentals, Principles of Consciousness (Mod 3), IBA membership.
BodyTalk Upcoming Online Courses
Please note that all classes are limited in number of allowed particpants, please register early to ensure a spot in the class you are interested in attending.
Copyright 2025 – AIM for Animals